tolle blumenketten,
tiki kerzen,
tiki mugs,
hula dolls ein
duschvorhang und ein
aus alohawaii!
oder lucha libre masken

einige wunderbare tiki und
exotica shirts,
klassische und kultige hawaiihemden
und rüschenhemden,
superstylische retro usa trikots
und weitere

wunderbare surf- und beachhemden von encore
klassische und kultige hawaiihemden,
sowie rüschenhemden

doo wop,
weird tunes,
strange music,
rockabilly 50's,
rock'n'roll 50's
und mehr

water sports,
james bond,
science fiction,
war movies,
ganze auswahl,
alle genres

zur kasse fahren,
deine aktuelle einkaufsliste,
voyeur: das kaufen
andere gerade ein :-)
Über KNK
tiki attack by
© 2025
special thanx to
Sven Kirsten and his


From the mystical realms of a secluded ancient island, rising from the icy spray of the forbidden northern waters, comes the
haunting, savage beat of a mysterious and primitive ritual.
In this forgotten place, awash with wonder and enigma, echoing with the booming of sharkskin drums and bone rattles, the rock
speaks with the voice of the gods.
Weaving strange and
terrifying tales, and tales of beauty and joy, Pagan Rites is a breathtakingly exotic tone poem that will make any Tiki bar
come alive.
IXTAHUELE is a Swedish exotica band playing in the acoustic, original style of Martin Denny and Arthur Lyman. They come from Gothenburg; a damp, foggy harbor town that ever since
its founding in the early 17th century has been an international melting pot and that has been associated with exotic, faraway destinations ever since the days of the East India Trading Companies. Having grown up with the exciting tales of the sailors and the luscious smells and flavors of the markets, an interest in the romantic and exotic is an integral part of life for the group.
Coming from a variety of musical backgrounds, IXTAHUELE strive to combine an immersive, research-like approach with their collective experience in jazz, pop, surf, classical, Latin and world music to create authentic, exciting, and innovative world-class exotica. A large part of their inspiration and style clues come from the old greats they are also heavily influenced by classical works, Latin and jazz tunes, indigenous melodies from different regions - in short, the same kind of influences that inspired the originators of the genre.
The aim of the group is to provide the perfect soundtrack to bring your minds eye on a time-traveling, round-the-world trip; taking you to faraway exotic islands, lost lands, and ancient cities - bringing back the Ottoman Empire, Port Royal, or even the mythical continent of Mu.
IXTAHUELE try to push the limits of where they can take you while still staying true to the genre; because after all the true armchair traveler cant make the Hawaiian Village the destination for every trip, but must also go to the Amazon, Micronesia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Indochina.
Limited Edition Multicolored Vinyl 600 copies!
Titel: Pagan Rites Label: Subliminal
Stil: Tiki
Best-Nr.: SUB-098-LP
Typ: LP
Preis: 59.- CHF

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Black Sand
Rarohengan Dance
Stone Gods of Bimini
Orust Luau
Lotus Eaters
Searching The Souq
Dengue Fever
Gardens of Mu
Weitere Platten vom Label Subliminal
Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Tiki
Weitere Platten von IXTAHUELE
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Tiki Style brought to you by KNK :-)
